Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Letter from Face Reading Client to Barbara

"Since the last time we spoke, I feel like that I have been transformed for the better. You provided valuable insight to me about myself and my life direction. I have worked on myself since the last time we spoke mainly changing my thinking to become very positive. My family and I love this change in me. I want to know so much more about me and how I can get connected with my subconscious."

Saturday, December 19, 2015

My Letter to Santa for 2019 - Barbara

Dear Santa, 
You have been so tolerant with me in the past! I know basically, I can be a pain. Because of my long history of being a basic Christmas-snozzz, I was hesitant to write. But thought I'd best come forward before the elves do their rounds in December. This year what I’d like for gifts are: (Reference pages 1 - 215)…..I know these are huge changes, so you'll probably have to enter a new data card for me under your records. I thought I'd better bring these crucial changes forward....and with so many children to work with and your elves stretched all over the world. 

Am not sure if I go under "naughty" or "nice," but hopefully you'll still find me in your data base. I've been with you a long time. Please, not so much coal again. I have wagons full from years past.  (But should I be doing more introspection?) 

I'm specially blessed all year to know my friends and family, so those are the gifts which make my year special. Wanted to take the time to thank each of my friends for putting up with me and reframing from adding MORE coal to my gifts.  

Thank you again for your tolerance. If you need an extra ink cartridge to change all my new entries under your e-mail lists, I've got an extra one. 
Much love, 
your fan, 

Saturday, December 12, 2015

What did Jesus look like?

At the holy season of his birth, our minds are turned to the presence of Christ that we might draw closer to him in a personal way. We feel him in our hearts and want to know him better. We are used to understanding people as we look at their faces. So what did Jesus look like? In art history around the world, all cultures portray Jesus differently. In the Orient, mosaics of him show him with upward slanted eyes and black hair. In the West, sometimes we see him as blonde and blue eyed. One of the Catholic mystics, Catherine Emmerick, who herself received the Stigmata (like St. Francis of Assisi - which confirms her deep, close relationship with Christ) - said that he had 'blonde' hair in her first Volume about his life and teachings. Another mystic, saint who saw Christ in Visions said the artist's Hoffman painting of Christ (the one often found in churches) is the closest portrayal to his face. What can we see in his facial features from that painting? The magnificent, compassionate eye texture in this painting reveal depth of holiness and Divine Love for all. His hair is curly and dark; his eye color brown, as might have who was born in Israel. His face is radiant and loving, and for ages other artists have conveyed the same holiness - Rembrandt, Titian, Raphael. The face shape is long, but not too narrow. This is the shape of a teacher and guide. The forehead is high, which conveys depth of wisdom. The mouth area is soft and full, which is kindness and affectionate. What a great personal witness the painting Hoffman gave us in the beautiful face of Christ. Full of Divine Love and Blessings for the world. May your own holiday season be filled with this Divine Love, whether you are Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Islamic, or following another spiritual way. Blessings, Barbara

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Face Reading Letter I got yesterday from CANADA....re: a reading I did!

Hi Barbara, I just wanted to say thank you so much for the session today. My sister, mom and I all enjoyed meeting you so much. You are such a lovely person and what you do is amazing. I think that what you told my mom was very helpful and also very accurate. I really wanted her to hear positive attributes about herself from someone after being told so much negative for much of her life. She loved the time she had with you and I hope that she can use your insight to help her live a more peaceful and happy life. Take care, Susan

Sunday, November 22, 2015


What makes my 30 year study of Face Reading so fascinating is that everything shows in the face - spiritual, emotional, physical. Trauma has various facial areas where it presents - especially the eyes, ear rims, and nose. After looking at 10,000 people the most interesting new insights I have are how-when trauma does NOT show/record in the face for those who have experienced major tragedies. From what they tell me, they either have a deep Inner life (such that they live in the conscious of God, surrender, and forgiveness) OR they've had loving-supportive nurturers who have helped them bridge the trauma-to-recovery gap. And then, the other aspect which plays in to the facial mapping is one's Soul Age...young, mature or Old. (see my new youtube.com 15 min video on this where I use 20 photo examples...under Barbara Roberts - Face Reading). The face is so complex and can only be justly and adequately understood by someone with depth of wisdom and a heart flowing of compassion. Then, you see the person's struggles, but also their healing and recovery potentials.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Your NOSE = Your WEALTH Potential

The 2,000 year old system of Face Reading identifies facial features and to each, it attributes a psychological meaning. In my 30 years of teaching this and private practice, after looking at 10,000 faces in over 500 classes, I've made a close study of these features and what they mean. (Please see my book, Face Reading - How to Know Anyone at a Glance (brown book on http://www.facereading1.com)

The NOSE is the area of the face that tells us about WEALTH - financial, spiritual and abundance of all kinds flowing into our lives. Below are some examples of NOSE types and what they mean.

Do you have the nose shape that shows you will be wildly $$$ wealthy?

The larger the nose, the more abundance may come to you. Example: I had the honor of meeting Mother Theresa of Calcutta in India. She had a beautiful, large nose - for her denoting Spiritual abundance.

A small nose may indicate someone who is good at saving $$ - especially if the nose is bowed (turns outward).

The nostrils also show something about spending - If from a front view (at eye level) you can see open nostrils, this means $$ comes to you, and $$ goes from you, but then it comes back also! So budgeting is important. Another similar money spending trait is when you can see the gum line above the teeth when someone smiles easily - this means they 'swing' with money - budget and then spend.

If the nose is very high on the face and small, it may mean the person is very frugal. Once a husband and wife came to see me for a private session. The man had this nose structure, and I made the 'frugal' comment to the wife. Believe it or not, she said, "Every night he takes the gas out of the car tank and measures it." ??

A nose that has a 45 degree angle from the bottom going towards the forehead (Tanya Harding, the one who hit Nancy Kerrigan in the skating championship) may mean the person is immature emotionally.

A nose that turns up only to a 30 degree angle (from the base of the nose going towards the head) reflects someone who loves to be of service to other people. Very nice quality.

A 'roman nose' (90 degree angle from the base) is often a person who likes to $$ bargain and get special deals.

Keep in mind that to read a person correctly, you must evaluate ALL his/her features and not just one.

The key to understanding face reading as a tool for personal growth is to understand who we are at a certain time period - and then change ourselves for the POSITIVE using affirmation, meditation, 12-step work, spiritual communion, professional counseling or medication. Whatever our heart tells us will move us forward into the positve action that will attract to us Divine abundance and financial security for ourselves and our families. We can change our destiny at any time. Face Reading is just one introspective indicator.

(c) Copyright, Barbara Roberts. December 27, 2011. All rights reserved.

Sunday, November 8, 2015


     New Xmas Hallmark Movie: ICE SCULPTURES features the actress I met on the set of "Home and Family" when I appeared on the Hallmark TV Channel doing Face Reading. The movie is great, and she is charming!

Monday, October 19, 2015


Face Reading books...I get book orders from all over the world every week. Today orders from New Zealand and South Korea! Firsts!!!

Saturday, October 3, 2015


The best job to have is some service to others wherein we are always learning and growing. A job that opens one's heart to seeing and hearing others as they really are and as they'd like to be. A job that widens one's understanding of all ethnic groups, ages and genders. A creative job wherein you use your skill differently every day, depending on the person, their needs, and their desires. A job that is principled and ethnical, yet has a tenderness to trauma and suffering. That for me is the perfect job. And that IS my job!

What would YOURS look like?

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Face Reading and Physical Beauty

After looking at over 10,000 people in my Classes and personal sessions, I've done sessions for famous actors, political leaders, CEO's and unemployed folks, military leaders, spiritual mystics, WW II spies, drug dealers and prostitutes. What is the common thread of all these Sessions? We all share the hope for happiness and longing for love.

What of physical beauty - Is it only for the rich who can afford it? What I've seen instead is that  beauty comes is in those people (no matter their outer circumstance) who are genuine and kind, warm, and good hearted. They strive for a nobility and spirituality  (not necessarily the same as 'religion'). Even with all sorts of physical deformities or skin cancer, or whatever, these folks have beautiful faces (not necessarily 'perfect' features).

When I teach Classes on Romance, one thing my students tell me (and I agree):  'gorgeous' women or incredibly 'handsome' men become 'ugly' over time when their actions are malicious or mean spirited. And on the other hand those of us who are just 'average' looking, over time become 'beautiful' because we are reflecting kindness, love, and sincerity...

Any comments?

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

ACTORS and their Soul Ages

"Soul Age" and Actors:
Interesting current 'feud' between Ellen and Cait - Ellen, beloved by the public has a deeper Soul age and understanding of people than Cait. Ellen's radiance (from the eyes) shows sincerity, genuine concern for others. Cait, is someone we have watched make a major life change, one requiring courage and strength - also in the sexual arena - like Ellen's. The comments Cait made on the Ellen Show (per media reporting) were not particularly sensitive or insightful. Even though Cait went through this major sexual transformation did she go through spiritual and personal growth, such that she became more compassionate, tolerant or loving?
Isn't that what we hope each other when we each go through major changes...that we grow in wisdom from them? Any comments or thoughts from anyone else? I usually don't comment on the media, but I'm curious what others think?? Barbara

Thursday, September 17, 2015

My Insight about Face Reading....

What makes my 30 year study of Face Reading so fascinating is that everything shows in the face - spiritual, emotional, physical. Trauma has various facial areas where it presents - especially the eyes, ear rims, and nose. After looking at 10,000 people the most interesting new insights I have are how-when trauma does NOT show/record in the face for those who have experienced major tragedies. From what they tell me, they either have a deep Inner life (such that they live in the conscious of God, surrender, and forgiveness) OR they've had loving-supportive nurturers who have helped them bridge the trauma-to-recovery gap. And then, the other aspect which plays in to the facial mapping is one's Soul Age...young, mature or Old. (see my new youtube.com 15 min video on this where I use 20 photo examples...under Barbara Roberts - Face Reading). The face is so complex and can only be justly and adequately understood by someone with depth of wisdom and a heart flowing of compassion. Then, you see the person's struggles, but also their healing and recovery potentials.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Spiritual Insight....The Development of True Intuition

The development of inner intuition may come from many experiences: From early childhood awareness that what is being SAID to us is not what we are feeling/perceiving/is going on in the situation OR intuition from Spiritual Peace and the presence of God, such that we perceive things from 'inside-out' (from the depth of our Core) vs. from outside influences....:)

Saturday, September 5, 2015


There is the Love for Jesus, which is singular (only for Him alone and none other), and there is the Love for Jesus which is expansive (which sees Him in all beings, sages and mystics of all religions.) My belief is the second.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Morning News in San Diego!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

     Great fun being on Morning NEWS Shows!

Letter from a Face Reading client

     "Since the last time we spoke, I feel like that I have been transformed for the better. You provided valuable insight to me about myself and my life direction. I have worked on myself since the last time we spoke mainly changing my thinking to become very positive. My family and I love this change in me. I want to know so much more about me and how I can get connected with my subconscious."

Monday, July 20, 2015

Soul Age - What are YOU?

      Yes, the eyes are the 'windows to the soul' - but Face Reading goes far, far beyond this quote to really identify the level of Inner development of a person. Soul Age has nothing to do with eye color or ethnic background. It only applied to the Radiance coming from a person's eyes.

     Check out this youtube.com link: (for my TV show on Soul Age)
     It features St. Therese of Lisieux, a French saint who wrote, The Little Flower, a beautiful book on how to do little things for God, and Paramahansa Yogananda, author or Autobiography of a Yogi, a spiritual classic of his life in India and the great masters he met.
     A NEW video has just gone up last week on my Channel: "Barbara Roberts face reading" showing over 15 photos of 'young' and 'Old' souls comparing their eye radiance! Please check it out!

      I call the first a 'young' soul. The energy radiating from the eyes is flat, cold, or cruel. When you look at that person's eyes, there is no warmth or compassion. Sometimes (and not all) models have this flat aspect. In 'young' souls their desire is to play, and they respond to rules and regulations. Criminals may also have very flat, cruel or vacant eye radiance.
      The second group in the video I refer to as 'Old' souls. People like Gandhi, Martin Luther King, The Dalhi Lama, Yogananda, and St. Therese of Lisieux are examples of people who have this dynamic love, radiance, wisdom, and joy pouring from their eyes. They beam out goodness! When we look at them, we can get lost in their eyes.  
     For more information on Soul Age please see my brown book on this website: www.facereading1.com, which is featured in PDF/IPAD/paperback.
     (c) Copyright, Barbara Roberts. July, 2015. All rights reserved. 

Friday, July 10, 2015

Youtube.com NEW videos!

2015! My 5 NEW Videos just uploaded to youtube.com
See: Barbara Roberts Face Reading on youtube.com to see them all!
The CAREER you were BORN to do!
Your LIPS = Your Intimacy Style
Facial Features Show GREAT Sex + Romance
SOUL AGE - What is Yours?
Children - How to bring out their BEST!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Message from a Youtube.com Face Reading Viewer....

Thank you everyone! I now have a MILLION viewers watching my  Face Reading Channel with 25 videos on Youtube.com. Here's what one wrote to me:

"Hi- I've been glued to the screen listening to the fascinating things you had to say! I almost immediately felt that I could/ should be more compassionate and empathetic toward people. Thank you for opening that door!" V. Brezak

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Single? Romance Short-cuts with Face Reading

Single? Dating on the Internet? Face Reading will give you the short-cut keys to know if you are romantically compatible with the person you are dating!

     Face Reading is a 2,000 year old system of understanding a person's character from his or her Facial Features. Every feature has at least three psychological meanings for someone who has it, and in Face Reading - How to Know Anyone at a Glance, (my brown book on this site for $20-$25) I  look at over 150 features and give their psychological meanings. Also, the NEW 2015 PDF on "Romance" outlines specific features to look for in an ideal mate ($12 on this site).
       A news anchor, Laura Buxton, once told me, "If only I had know about you when it came to men, I could have saved myself a lot of grief!"

The LIPS and the CHEEK areas will show the degree of feeling and personal warmth your date will be able to give you. Here are some Cheek and Lip types and what they mean!
Cheek Types:
ROUND CHEEKS - warm, loving, caring, big heart
FLAT CHEEKS - might be more mentally oriented, analytical, slow to express intense emotions
HIGH CHEEK BONES - loves to travel, wants to be self-employed, high spirited

Lip Types:
LARGE, WIDE MOUTH - (Pres Obama) generous, affectionate, warm hearted
TINY MOUTH - (Henry 8th) self absorbed, has rich fantasy life, may be dangerous to cross swords with
THIN UPPER LIP, BIG LOWER LIP - person who takes in information and doesn't gossip, good with personal confidences
HUGE LOWER LIP - (Elvis) sensual, sultry 

It's important to look at the whole face and combine all the features together. The above gives only general meanings.  Check out my 25 TV Shows videos on YouTube.com, or follow me on Twitter or Facebook ("Face Reading - Barbara Roberts")
(c) Copyright, June 1, 2015. Barbara Roberts. All rights reserved.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Letter from Face Reading Client

      "Since the last time we spoke, I feel like that I have been transformed for the better.  Your session was very helpful to me. 

      "I've not yet met that special someone However, I am very positive that I will and it will happen  but until then I was hoping if we can do a session together. I was greatly helped the first time we spoke, and you provided valuable insight to me regarding myself and my life direction. I have worked on myself since the last time we spoke mainly changed my thinking to become very positive. My family and myself love this change in me.. I want to know so much more about me and how I can get connected with my subconscious."

Monday, June 1, 2015

JUNE 6 Woman's World Magazine....

On stands at Sprouts, Vons, and WalMart - my NEW article on "LIPS and FACE READING!" What do YOUR say about you to others? Find out!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Inspiring Face Reading Short Story

“Choosing a Man of Destiny”

          In a distant territory the elders of a court were gathered around the bed covers of their dying king. His elderly wife bathed his hands and gently massaged his feet to comfort the aged ruler in his last moments. The monks sat near-by praying with deep devotion that God guide their beloved king to the highest realms of the Heavens. Outside the marble towers, the king’s army had heard the rumor of his immanent passing, and the young, buck warriors were already fighting for supremacy and boasting of their personal prowess and lioness strength.
          “I’m the best.” “I am the strongest.” “I deserve to be king.” “I will be the next ruler.” “Fight me for the throne.” Restless echoes of jostling male egos and a surfacing panic created a deep turmoil in the peaceful realm.
          “A new beginning must come now. Against our will, our noble king lies dying, and we don’t know how to replace him. Finding a monarch so loving and devoted to his people will not be an easy task,” said one of the older ministers.
As the royal one took one last surrendered breath, the assembled ministers and holy monks knelt in prayer. “Lord, who has given our nation this very righteous leader, do not forsake us for our worldliness or ignorance. We ask that in your Divine mercy you help us to choose our next ruler so that our people might continue in peace and prosperity.”
One of the wisest and most trusted of the king’s ministers was a mystic named Acara. Clear of avarice and sympathetic to all people, he was the mentor and guide for the younger ones. The king had loved him the most, because he could lean on him heavily for advice. Even the monarch, who had possessed clarity beyond most mortals, knew that one still needs true friends and advisors who speak frankly and could not be bought.
Acara spent subsequent days and weeks walking the rural market places and busy streets of his country so that he might assess the changing emotions and energy of his people. He prayed continually that he might be guided to a predecessor for the king, who would be fearless, brave, and kind. One morning after prayers, an unusual intuition came to him. All of nature marks creatures by patterns. The black widow spider’s red back is different from the house spider’s brown. One is dangerous, the other helpful.  One snake is poisonous, the other helps the gardens. One knows this by the markings of features. If nature makes this so apparent, what of the faces of men? Could there be facial markings that appear consistently in great souls? Facial features that marked a man for a powerful Destiny?
 Long and many years had Acara studied the face of his beloved king as he listened to him, advised him, and was his friend. He had lovingly memorized the monarch’s every line, crease and feature. The thought came to him that nature herself might show him how to find a man of Destiny if he could remember all the facial features of the monarch and those he had seen in foreign kings and noble statesmen. And here was the list he wrote:

          Long earlobes, thick and large
          Noble brow – eyebrows round and full
          Large, wide forehead that was clear of blemishes
          Eyes which radiate kindness and nobility
          Full cheeks of rounded softness
          Strong teeth which were evenly spaced
          Large, wide jaw, which was both powerful and fearless
          Balanced lips that naturally upturned at the edges
          Large ears like an elephant
          Mouth that smiled and love to laugh
          Clear eyes that saw all, yet were not petty
          Thick, full hair that shown with radiant health
          Open, upper ear rim that was perfectly shaped
          Large, inner ear hole that allowed sound to enter easily
          Forward chin for bravery

          “And so here is what I must look for.” Acara put down his pen, “It matters not if this man be a merchant, forest dweller or wealthy prince. These facial features reveal greatness of character. So his background, color, or position in life will not matter. I will keep an open mind that God and nature herself might guide me.” And so he stood up, put his water and scanty food into his pack and started his long journey.
          Acara walked for days and months meeting and looking at hundreds of men – farmers, merchants, monks, great archers, and cunning warriors. Yet none possessed the facial features from his list. When he had almost given up his quest, a traveler told him of a hut in the woods where there lived a saintly man named Narada. Without stopping to rest or even taken his evening meal, Acara directed his footsteps into the forest.
          The minister reached the hut quickly and was greeting warmly by the young Narada. Tired, but excited from his travels, Acara looked deeply into the face of the young man as he searched for the facial features of Destiny. Mentally he checked them off one by one. Narada had them all. Acara sighed and gave inner thanks that his journey for a new ruler might at last be at an end.
So excited was he, that the minister immediately blurted out his request, asking Narada to come rule the country. Unlike others Acara had met who were only too eager to take the throne, (but for the wrong reasons), Narada was taken aback by the request. He raised both his hands in the air to push away the offer.
          “Honored minister,” Narada began, “I know nothing of ruling a kingdom. I am not trained in the art of politics or dealings with nations. I am a simple man - at one with nature. You need a great warrior or a man who has mastery over delicate words to lead your people. I do not possess the skill or power to maneuver those who wish for power, prestige or wealth. I would lose my way and be of little use to your citizens. Ask the Divine One to guide you to one more suited to your needs.”
          The white cloaked elder bowed his head before the clear humility of the younger soul, “Narada, we have seen warriors and men of verbal adeptness. Through centuries we have seen them rise and fall, unable to sustain our people’s love. Our court looks now for a ruler with a pure heart. For we have learned that a king rules as he lives.  
        "We need a man of holiness even if he is untrained in the webs of politics and contract negotiations. For despite the restlessness or worldliness of our people, they know when a monarch loves them. They know when a man is centered in God. For he is just, kind and fair. His calmness in decisions of court goes beyond his emotions or personal opinions. He rules with a generous hand. He holds nothing back from his heart.
          “The young ones among us must see this altruism lived out or they will completely forsake the ways of their elders. And the elders, whose bodies have become frail, must see the embodiment of their struggles and dreams carried out by a worthy successor. Our kingdom must be ruled by a man of inner greatness. Again, my lord, we offer you our kingdom to rule. Please do not refuse us. I beg of you.” With that Acara put his staff down and sat on the near-by rock.
          Narada became quiet and thoughtful as he paced in front of his thatched cottage door. He turned his mind to God and quiet, deep introspection. “Acura, my respected counselor, let me offer your food and drink before we talk of this. Come. Lie down on the cot within my house that you might rest after your long pilgrimage. You must be very weary.”
          Acura followed Narada into the simple one room dwelling to sleep and rest. Narada put cool cloths on the elder’s forehead and gave him the choicest delicacies from the fruit trees. The family of deer outside drew closer to the hut where their friend Narada resided. The forest peacefully rested on into the night, the big and important question of ruling a country absorbed into the sound of crickets and cool stillness of a full moon. Narada lay down on a mat near the bed where his new friend, Acara, lay sleeping. He felt for this old man whose only goal was the safety and protection of his people - a minister whose whole body and life span had been given up in service to guide and inspire the young, the old, the sick, the weak, and even the powerful.
And the young man asked for inner guidance about this issue of ruling a kingdom. In his secret heart he brought to flower the real reason that kept him back from the great honor, which at any juncture might become a great burden. Narada reflected, “What if I lose my way in the myriads of court intrigues, jealousies or maneuverings? I have no footing to keep me resolute in seeking goodness. What if I lose myself in the outer desires for wealth, power or restless longings? There could be no greater pain to my heart than to lose the inner communion I now feel.” With that thought he put his head to his mat and fell asleep.
He rose in the morning to make food for his friend and draw cool water from the well for their baths and refreshments. As he took down the metal pot for brewing the leaves from the trees, a new insight came strongly through his consciousness.
“What have I done to serve my land?” he asked himself, “I am young and strong. Though I am not perfect or trained, I am willing. I am willing to serve and give to the very limits of my physical strength and stamina. At least I can go and make my supreme effort to bring forth good. I will let go of my personal worries about my unworthiness and lack of skill. I will go with an attitude of conquest, service, and willingness to learn.”
 He prayed out loud in the still air, “Lord, purify my heart that I might serve them in strength.”
          With his new resolution and heart wide open to his new life, he stepped outside into the forest stillness. As if nature’s response was spontaneous and caressing, the talkative birds came to land on his shoulders. They began singing their joyous melodies. The mother and baby deer emerged from behind the bushes to gently lick his hands and to let him stroke the ears of the baby. Even the leopard, which always remained hidden by night and by day, came unabashed before Narada to say good-bye. The brown garden snakes lifted their heads as they approached the quiet hut of their friend. All nature came to love him and wish him well. He knew in his heart that this was God’s way of guiding him.
          When Acara opened his eyes, Narada was sitting next to him with a banquet of forest delights for the guest’s morning nourishment. Fresh coconut juice from the trees, the softest and sweetest of mangoes, calming teas and honey, and perfectly cooked rice and lentils. Acara’s worn cloak had been washed and dried by the sunlight. And near Narada’s leg was a wooden bowl of special oil so that he might wash and rub the elder’s feet before the long trek back to the capitol.
The older minister, who had rarely received such personal service during the course of his travels, was touched and humbled. He said within his heart, “By your actions, Narada, you have shown me that I have chosen the right one to lead our people. Even in the midst of a personal challenge, you have sought only for my comfort, not your own. This will surely forebode well for our nation.” And he reached out his sun baked hand to bless Narada’s head.
After the morning prayers and food, Narada addressed the older man, “Great sir, I am moved by the offer you made me yesterday to rule our kingdom. I know that my background is unworthy of this honor. However, I am willing. I ask that God give me the Grace to move forward and be a strong, compassionate leader for your people. I ask that you and the other elders guide me through the intricacies of court life as I strive to do my best for you. I will go back with you. If I can be of genuine service to you and your nation, I will stay as long as you need me. If at any time you feel that I have lost my usefulness, please bring me back to this simple hut in the forest. And I will be content.”
And with that he packed his sparse belongs into his sack. The birds spread the good news through the trees. Hundreds of curious citizens gathered along the paths to greet the new king. Men held their children above their shoulders so that the little ones might see. Women dropped flowers in front of his feet on the dusty roads to the capitol. The young Narada ruled wisely for many years. He was just and fair in his court rulings over disputes. He cared nothing for jewels, so he put all the wealth he received back into the farmers’ lands and the children’s education. The people loved him, and he became a legend as he led them into a time of unparalleled peace and prosperity.
          He ruled as he lived.

(c) Copyright, Barbara Roberts, August,  2013. All rights reserved.


Monday, May 11, 2015

ROMANTIC Face Reading Short Story

MatchU4Love Dating Service

Jason sighed. If this date was any more of a gold digger, she’d be sitting on his lap taking out his dental fillings. He really needed to change his “MatchU4Love” Profile on the “Income” line. Take off the “millionaire” entry. Yes, he owned his own company and was darn proud of it, but perhaps he shouldn’t advertise it on first dates.
Back at his desk he told Keri, his budget manager, that he’d be in “conference” and went in to reread his “Man on the Go Looking for Independent Woman” Profile title bar. “OK. Got to rework this one,” he mumbled. “I’ll leave the photo - after all, I’m tall, dark, and handsome – and humble.”
After fifty eight dates – women who were tall, short, blonde, brunette, red head, corporate investors, homemakers, childless, with children, rich, poor, he’d reached his limit for even a “man on the go.” Perhaps an image change? Perhaps a lobotomy.
He barely cleared Keri’s desk as he walked out of the office on his way to lunch. She looked up. Sensitive to every nuance of his walk, she inquired, “Bad day, eh, Jason?” They were attuned to each other not because they were steamy closet lovers at work, but because she was his sister. They’d been competing siblings over cookies and Mom, but now they had settled into harmonious bantering.
“Keri, I’m lost in this dating world. Help me! Help me! You are my only hope,” he did his best impersonation of Princess Leah talking to Obi-Wan.  His sister put down her Excel printout and looked into his very blue but sad eyes. “You know I read all the current women’s self-help books,” Keri began in the way only an older sister can totally bore a brother to tears.
He controlled his gag reflex. “SO?” He rolled his eyes indicating if he heard any more feminine psychobabble, he would ask God to reincarnate him as a turtle.
         “Well, there’s this woman who went on Tyra Banks last month. Her name is Barbara Roberts, and she wrote a book called FACE READING – How to Know Anyone at a Glance. It’s the new way to find romance. Tyra really liked her. Look here,” she motioned to an open page from the book. “See, you have these facial features:

         Blue eyes
Square forehead line
Vertical line above your nose
Strong jaw
Good naso-labial lines
Wide mouth
         Large ears
  Full cheeks

“You’ve been ‘looking for love in all the wrong places,’ my little brother. Get off “MatchU4Love,” and stop paying that gypsy at “Cupid will Deliver.” Jason immediately confiscated the FACE READING book from her desk, tucked it under his arm and left the office in a far better mood that he’d been in in a long time.
Patterns. Facial Patterns.
It was midnight. He had read the whole book.

My face has Patterns. All I need to do is just match the Patterns in my face to the Patterns in her face!

 “There might be hope,” and he turned over to his Massie, his German Shepard, who as currently take up half of his bed. “They’ll soon be someone to replace you, my girl.” And he gave her an affectionate ear scratching. 
Not long after, he was at the airport meeting his client Phil. The plane was delayed, so he got his Starbuck’s caramel latte and blueberry scone and popped open his paper to wait. A woman carrying a laptop approached the seat next to him. Blue silk suit holding a cell phone. He looked over just in time to catch a “HI”-nod and went on reading the local news.
When she finished talking and started adjusting her cup’s tea bag, she turned to ask, “Waiting for the Phoenix incoming flight?”
“Yep. My client Phil is on it. How abut you?” As they spoke he regarded her closely. She seemed amazingly familiar for someone he had never met. Then his mind clicked into the facial feature composite of his “ideal” woman. Cassie. One after one, he counted off their compatible facial features. He became so excited, he mentally he was begging God to be close to this woman, but he was trying not to grovel. He was chaffing at the bit to ask if she was single and was practically salivating as he listened to her describe her normal life. When she wanted to know about his life and interests, he was incredulous that a woman would ask about him. By the time Phil walked out of Gate 24, Jason had already planned the wedding and bought his tuxedo. 
After he introduced Phil to Cassie, he turned to her. “Here, let me give you my card.” They both said that at the same time. Cassie blushed. He smiled. 
As he guided Phil into his office and passed Keri’s desk, Jason gave her the thumbs up-signal and mouthed, “I’ll tell you later.”
Well, Massie and Arnold, Cassie’s German Shepard, became a regular on walks in the park, Friday night movies at home, Saturday picnics and morning coffees. Together they watched the seasons change and laughed and talked through Christmas, Easter and July 4th.

In the Fall Jason turned to Massie before he set his alarm for work, “Massie, it’s time for you to start sleeping on the floor. Cassie and Arnold are coming to live here.” He thought he saw Massie smile before she rolled over and started snoring.

(c) Copyright, Barbara Roberts. May, 2015. All rights reserved.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

NEW May 4th national woman's magazine article....

On stands now VONS and WALMART: Woman's World Magazine. My article on Face Reading is in the back of the magazine. Let me know if you like it!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

NOSE = Your WEALTH $$ Potential!

The 2,000 year old system of Face Reading identifies facial features and to each, it attributes a psychological meaning. In my 30 years of teaching this and private practice, after looking at 10,000 faces in over 500 classes, I've made a close study of these features and what they mean. (Please see my book, Face Reading - How to Know Anyone at a Glance (brown book on http://www.facereading1.com)

The NOSE is the area of the face that tells us about WEALTH - financial, spiritual and abundance of all kinds flowing into our lives. Below are some examples of NOSE types and what they mean.

Do you have the nose shape that shows you will be wildly $$$ wealthy?

The larger the nose, the more abundance may come to you. Example: I had the honor of meeting Mother Theresa of Calcutta in India. She had a beautiful, large nose - for her denoting Spiritual abundance. Bill Cosby also has a huge nose - in his case reflecting financial wealth.

A small nose may indicate someone who is good at saving $$ - especially if the nose is bowed (turns outward).

The nostrils also show something about spending - If from a front view (at eye level) you can see open nostrils, this means $$ comes to you, and $$ goes from you, but then it comes back also! So budgeting is important. Another similar money spending trait is when you can see the gum line above the teeth when someone smiles easily - this means they 'swing' with money - budget and then spend.

If the nose is very high on the face and small, it may mean the person is very frugal. Once a husband and wife came to see me for a private session. The man had this nose structure, and I made the 'frugal' comment to the wife. Believe it or not, she said, "Every night he takes the gas out of the car tank and measures it." ??

A nose that has a 45 degree angle from the bottom going towards the forehead (Tanya Harding, the one who hit Nancy Kerrigan in the skating championship) may mean the person is immature emotionally.

A nose that turns up only to a 30 degree angle (from the base of the nose going towards the head) reflects someone who loves to be of service to other people. Very nice quality.

A 'roman nose' (90 degree angle from the base) is often a person who likes to $$ bargain and get special deals.

Keep in mind that to read a person correctly, you must evaluate ALL his/her features and not just one.

The key to understanding face reading as a tool for personal growth is to understand who we are at a certain time period - and then change ourselves for the POSITIVE using affirmation, meditation, 12-step work, spiritual communion, professional counseling or medication. Whatever our heart tells us will move us forward into the positve action that will attract to us Divine abundance and financial security for ourselves and our families. We can change our destiny at any time. Face Reading is just one introspective indicator.

(c) Copyright, Barbara Roberts. December 27, 2011. All rights reserved.

Monday, April 20, 2015

NEW Article in Women's World - MAY 4th!

Next week, I have a New FACE READING article in Woman's World Magazine - May 4th - might be on the stands this week! (Cover is blue with blonde model.)

Friday, April 3, 2015

FACE READING - What did Jesus look like?

     At the holy season of his Resurrection,  our minds are turned to the presence of Christ that we might draw closer to him in a personal way. We feel him in our hearts and want to know him better. 
     We are used to understanding people as we look at their faces. So what did Jesus look like? In art history around the world, all cultures portray Jesus differently. In the Orient, mosaics of him show him with upward slanted eyes and black hair. In the West, sometimes we see him as blonde and blue eyed. One of the Catholic mystics, Catherine Emmerick, who herself received the Stigmata (like St. Francis of Assisi - which confirms her deep, close relationship with Christ) - said that he had 'blonde' hair in her first Volume about his life and teachings. Another mystic, saint who saw Christ in Visions said the artist's Hoffman painting of Christ (the one often found in churches) is the closest portrayal to his face. What can we see in his facial features from that painting? The magnificent, compassionate eye texture in this painting reveal depth of holiness and Divine Love for all. His hair is curly and dark; his eye color brown, as  might have who was born in  Israel. His face is radiant and loving, and for ages other artists have conveyed the same holiness - Rembrandt, Titian, Raphael. The face shape is long, but not too narrow. This is the shape of a teacher and guide. The forehead is high, which conveys depth of wisdom. The mouth area is soft and full, which is kindness and affectionate. 
     What a great personal witness the painting Hoffman gave us in the beautiful face of Christ. Full of Divine Love and Blessings for the world. 
     May your own holiday season be filled with this Divine Love, whether you are Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Islamic, or following another spiritual way.
     Blessings, Barbara

(c) Copyright, December, 2014. Barbara Roberts. All rights reserved.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

NEW Face Reading article in National Magazine!

Just heard from the FIRST FOR WOMEN national Magazine, and my article for them will be coming out in the Issue AFTER this one, (which is currently on the grocery check-out Stands)...Mine will appear in the April 23 issue.
Ocean VIDEO made by my student-friend Heidi for Encinitas (where I live). We made it for my Costa Rican friend and Face Reading instructor, Manfred. GREAT ocean view!!

Monday, March 23, 2015

A Reader's Experience of my book.....

Comment from a Reader on my Face Reading book:

"OMG Barbara, I could not believe what I read and was extremely stunned about the meaning of my protruding middle area of my ears. I always knew, that this has more meaning than what I have learned so far, but could never get as close as you described it in your book. I am amazed! When I tell you, that I was already interested in medicine and played obsessive doctor as a child. Then after high school I studied medicine and worked in several hospitals, but early on I could tell there is more to healing than Western medicine, so I branched off to Naturopath/alternative medicine and I am in my own holistic healing practice for almost 15 years now. All the psychological meanings do exactly apply for me and all the other statements too. Just the description of my ears alone got me hooked.
Thank you and I hope this is an other confirmation for your great job."
Much Aloha,
Brigitte Kucher

Monday, March 16, 2015

Your EYE SHAPE says what about YOU?

What does YOUR EYE SHAPE say about your Personality?

Face Reading looks at facial features assigning psychological meanings for each one. How accurate is this? In over 10,000 faces I've read, this system is about 90-95% accurate in reading a person's character.
Eye size says a lot about how observant you are. Very small eyes (compared to the bone structure of the face) means you are extremely observant to details and what is happening around you.
Large eyes reflects a warm, sympathetic and romantic nature.
Rounding under the eye shows a feeling, caring, empathetic nature.
A flat area under the eyes may indicate a person who waits to 'see' what will happen and could be cautious.

Look up your Facial Features in my book, Face Reading - How to Know Anyone at a Glance, featured in PDF/IPAD/paperback on http://www.facereading1.com/

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Facial Features for GREAT sex?

The psychological ancient system of Face Reading teaches us that facial features have corresponding psychological meanings. Having looked at 10,000 faces in over 500 classes and sessions here are some indicators for great SEX drive:

*A vertical deep line in the area between the nose and upper lip (called the philtrum) indicates strong physical drive
*A ball and dimple on the lower chin area (Michael Douglas) indicates great libido
*Bedroom eyes (Dr. Zhivago's eyes) -  eyes which are dreamy and alluring indicates sensuality
*Lower lip as large (Elvis Presley) reveals a person comfortable with their sensual nature
*And then pleasure and sensuality may come through features as confidence (wide area between the nose and the ear), humor (lines fanning down the cheek fromt he outer eyes), warmth and charm (full cheeks, radiant eyes, rounded forehead), and physical endurance shows through strong features - a large jaw, wide forehead, thick hair.

For more clues on "Is (s)he the ONE for YOU?" see this website:http://www.facereading1.com/ for the PDF on Romance or the brown book (paperback/PDF) on Face Reading.

Friday, March 6, 2015


The 2,000 year old system of Face Reading identifies facial features and to each, it attributes a psychological meaning. In my 30 years of teaching this and private practice, after looking at 10,000 faces in over 500 classes, I've made a close study of these features and what they mean. (Please see my book, Face Reading - How to Know Anyone at a Glance  - brown book on http://www.facereading1.com)

The NOSE is the area of the face that tells us about WEALTH - financial, spiritual and abundance of all kinds flowing into our lives. Below are some examples of NOSE types and what they mean.

Do you have the nose shape that shows you will be wildly $$$ wealthy?

The larger the nose, the more abundance may come to you. Example: I had the honor of meeting Mother Theresa of Calcutta in India. She had a beautiful, large nose - for her denoting Spiritual abundance.

A small nose may indicate someone who is good at saving $$ - especially if the nose is bowed (turns outward).

The nostrils also show something about spending - If from a front view (at eye level) you can see open nostrils, this means $$ comes to you, and $$ goes from you, but then it comes back also! So budgeting is important. Another similar money spending trait is when you can see the gum line above the teeth when someone smiles easily - this means they 'swing' with money - budget and then spend.

If the nose is very high on the face and small, it may mean the person is very frugal. Once a husband and wife came to see me for a private session. The man had this nose structure, and I made the 'frugal' comment to the wife. Believe it or not, she said, "Every night he takes the gas out of the car tank and measures it." ??

A nose that has a 45 degree angle from the bottom going towards the forehead (Tanya Harding, the one who hit Nancy Kerrigan in the skating championship) may mean the person is immature emotionally.

A nose that turns up only to a 30 degree angle (from the base of the nose going towards the head) reflects someone who loves to be of service to other people. Very nice quality.

A 'roman nose' (90 degree angle from the base) is often a person who likes to $$ bargain and get special deals.

Keep in mind that to read a person correctly, you must evaluate ALL his/her features and not just one.

The key to understanding face reading as a tool for personal growth is to understand who we are at a certain time period - and then change ourselves for the POSITIVE using affirmation, meditation, 12-step work, spiritual communion, professional counseling or medication. Whatever our heart tells us will move us forward into the positve action that will attract to us Divine abundance and financial security for ourselves and our families. We can change our destiny at any time. Face Reading is just one introspective indicator.

(c) Copyright, Barbara Roberts. December 27, 2011. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Your SOUL AGE shows in your EYES!

      Yes, the eyes are the 'windows to the soul' - but Face Reading goes far, far beyond this quote to really identify the level of Inner development of a person. Soul Age has nothing to do with eye color or ethnic background. It only applied to the Radiance coming from a person's eyes.

     Check out this youtube.com link: (for my TV show on Soul Age)
     It features St. Therese of Lisieux, a French saint who wrote, The Little Flower, a beautiful book on how to do little things for God, and Paramahansa Yogananda, author or Autobiography of a Yogi, a spiritual classic of his life in India and the great masters he met.

      I call the first a 'young' soul. The energy radiating from the eyes is flat, cold, or cruel. When you look at that person's eyes, there is no warmth or compassion. Sometimes (and not all) models have this flat aspect. In 'young' souls their desire is to play, and they respond to rules and regulations. Criminals may also have very flat, cruel or vacant eye radiance.
      The second group in the video I refer to as 'old' souls. People like Gandhi, Martin Luther King, The Dalhi Lama, Yogananda, and St. Therese of Lisieux are examples of people who have this dynamic love, radiance, wisdom, and joy pouring from their eyes. They beam out goodness! When we look at them, we can get lost in their eyes.  
     For more information on Soul Age please see my brown book on this website: www.facereading1.com, which is featured in PDF/IPAD/paperback.
     (c) Copyright, Barbara Roberts. July, 2012. All rights reserved. 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

         A TYRA SHOW that was great fun! We were a panel of experts in the Intuitive
areas who fielded questions from Studio audience members. It was a Wheel of
Fortune format. Tyra is such a wonderful person! I loved being with her on her
Shows. Please see Home page for some of these videos or youtube.com


Sunday, February 8, 2015


              From the TYRA SHOW! We were on a Panel using the Wheel of Fortune
        idea as we answered live Studio audience questions. Please see it on:
        youtube.com or on this Site's Home Page (under TV Shows).

Friday, January 30, 2015

In this WB5 News Segment in San Diego the producers had me go to a local shopping mall. They televised my reading random people. In this picture an older man stopped and frowned at me. His particular mustache shape indicated someone who would be 'stoic' on the outside but a 'marshmallow' on the inside. I said this to the couple, and he burst out laughing. And she nodded "Yes!"

       On a local News Show (KUSI) I was a frequent visitor. The two news anchors are
asking me about a current political race and who what the faces of the candidates say about
their personalities. One such Show, taken from morning News talks about Obama and
his strengths as President. For anyone interested that Show appears on youtube.com along with twenty other ones on various topics from Romance, Careers, Management, Soul Age, Spiritual Development and even one on What Freckles Mean!

     Years ago Luara Buxton and I did about 20 Shows on a morning talk Show San Diego favorite called, "InSide San Diego." About once a month I'd show up discussing a different topic. It was always amazing to me when someone would recognize me from the Show and want their Face 'read.' I'd be in the Von's frozen food section of a different town near-by, and mothers would bring up their children for me to read their faces. It's fun to do something that is accurate, helps families understand each other better, and brings more self-awareness!

         Years ago there was a national TV Show called "Essentials" featured on The Learning Channel. Here I am doing a live Face Reading with an audience member I've never met. Everyone was excited, and the Sessions were great fun! On a similar Show, reading live studio members, (Tammy Faye Show), an older man came up, and his ear was very big on the bottom 2/3. This is the facial feature for someone who goes camping and fishing. So, I asked him if he did this every week-end, and he nodded "YES" to the amazement of the audience!

This is from one of the TYRA BANKS Shows on Face Reading. It was a great thrill to go to New York and be with her various times on her Shows. To see the Videos of these, please go to youtube.com OR the Home Page on this site. In our Shows I analyzed her face "What Tyra's Face Says" and also discussed Romance "(S)he lies on Dates." In another one, I was on a Guest Panel of expert who answered questions from studio audience members.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

     One of the TYRA BANKS Shows we did in New York. Great fun! 

       If you are interested in seeing some of the Videos (75 national/local TV shows include:
"Home and Family" HALLMARK TV, TYRA BANKS,  NBC Nightly News, The Learning Channel, The Young and the Restless, InSide San Diego, KUSI, FOX 5, KGTV, please go to the Home Page of this website and Click on "Television." On youtube.com, there are currently about 3/4 of a million viewers watching the 20+ videos I have recorded there. Topics include: "Romance - Is (s)he the one?" "Tyra's Face - What does it Say?" "Freckles! What do they mean?" "President Obama's Face" "The Career you were Born to do!" "(S)he lies on Dates" "Dangerous Facial Features - How to Date Safely on the Internet" "The Faces of the Saints" "How to Spot a Cheater" "Live Studio Audience Face Readings" "How to Read 'Soul Age' " "Children's Faces."

     Thank you so much for following my Blog! I'm writing to let everyone know that my (brown) book, Face Reading - How to Know Anyone at a Glance is available NOW in PDF/IPAD format $20 Internationally on www.facereading1.com OR for US orders only  Amazon.com $25 paperback.
Also, available are two NEW PDF's on "Romance - How to Know if (s)he is the ONE" and "Career - What is the Career you were BORN to do?" for $12/PDF format (only.) See the Home Page area of this site under Books.
     This little book above has now gone all over the world! - Costa Rica, England, Denmark, Switzerland, Spain, Netherlands, France, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Finland, Sweden, and on. And I so appreciate the enthusiastic responses to the Face Reading!
    And for anyone who wishes to get a Personal Individual (Couples) reading with me, I do these now on Face Time and Skype Internationally for $100 (or in US for $60 - Romance OR Career/ or $100 US for in-depth reading.) Please refer to this website's Home Page to enter your information so I can phone you!
    Take care,