Thursday, March 26, 2015

NEW Face Reading article in National Magazine!

Just heard from the FIRST FOR WOMEN national Magazine, and my article for them will be coming out in the Issue AFTER this one, (which is currently on the grocery check-out Stands)...Mine will appear in the April 23 issue.
Ocean VIDEO made by my student-friend Heidi for Encinitas (where I live). We made it for my Costa Rican friend and Face Reading instructor, Manfred. GREAT ocean view!!

Monday, March 23, 2015

A Reader's Experience of my book.....

Comment from a Reader on my Face Reading book:

"OMG Barbara, I could not believe what I read and was extremely stunned about the meaning of my protruding middle area of my ears. I always knew, that this has more meaning than what I have learned so far, but could never get as close as you described it in your book. I am amazed! When I tell you, that I was already interested in medicine and played obsessive doctor as a child. Then after high school I studied medicine and worked in several hospitals, but early on I could tell there is more to healing than Western medicine, so I branched off to Naturopath/alternative medicine and I am in my own holistic healing practice for almost 15 years now. All the psychological meanings do exactly apply for me and all the other statements too. Just the description of my ears alone got me hooked.
Thank you and I hope this is an other confirmation for your great job."
Much Aloha,
Brigitte Kucher

Monday, March 16, 2015

Your EYE SHAPE says what about YOU?

What does YOUR EYE SHAPE say about your Personality?

Face Reading looks at facial features assigning psychological meanings for each one. How accurate is this? In over 10,000 faces I've read, this system is about 90-95% accurate in reading a person's character.
Eye size says a lot about how observant you are. Very small eyes (compared to the bone structure of the face) means you are extremely observant to details and what is happening around you.
Large eyes reflects a warm, sympathetic and romantic nature.
Rounding under the eye shows a feeling, caring, empathetic nature.
A flat area under the eyes may indicate a person who waits to 'see' what will happen and could be cautious.

Look up your Facial Features in my book, Face Reading - How to Know Anyone at a Glance, featured in PDF/IPAD/paperback on

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Facial Features for GREAT sex?

The psychological ancient system of Face Reading teaches us that facial features have corresponding psychological meanings. Having looked at 10,000 faces in over 500 classes and sessions here are some indicators for great SEX drive:

*A vertical deep line in the area between the nose and upper lip (called the philtrum) indicates strong physical drive
*A ball and dimple on the lower chin area (Michael Douglas) indicates great libido
*Bedroom eyes (Dr. Zhivago's eyes) -  eyes which are dreamy and alluring indicates sensuality
*Lower lip as large (Elvis Presley) reveals a person comfortable with their sensual nature
*And then pleasure and sensuality may come through features as confidence (wide area between the nose and the ear), humor (lines fanning down the cheek fromt he outer eyes), warmth and charm (full cheeks, radiant eyes, rounded forehead), and physical endurance shows through strong features - a large jaw, wide forehead, thick hair.

For more clues on "Is (s)he the ONE for YOU?" see this website: for the PDF on Romance or the brown book (paperback/PDF) on Face Reading.

Friday, March 6, 2015


The 2,000 year old system of Face Reading identifies facial features and to each, it attributes a psychological meaning. In my 30 years of teaching this and private practice, after looking at 10,000 faces in over 500 classes, I've made a close study of these features and what they mean. (Please see my book, Face Reading - How to Know Anyone at a Glance  - brown book on

The NOSE is the area of the face that tells us about WEALTH - financial, spiritual and abundance of all kinds flowing into our lives. Below are some examples of NOSE types and what they mean.

Do you have the nose shape that shows you will be wildly $$$ wealthy?

The larger the nose, the more abundance may come to you. Example: I had the honor of meeting Mother Theresa of Calcutta in India. She had a beautiful, large nose - for her denoting Spiritual abundance.

A small nose may indicate someone who is good at saving $$ - especially if the nose is bowed (turns outward).

The nostrils also show something about spending - If from a front view (at eye level) you can see open nostrils, this means $$ comes to you, and $$ goes from you, but then it comes back also! So budgeting is important. Another similar money spending trait is when you can see the gum line above the teeth when someone smiles easily - this means they 'swing' with money - budget and then spend.

If the nose is very high on the face and small, it may mean the person is very frugal. Once a husband and wife came to see me for a private session. The man had this nose structure, and I made the 'frugal' comment to the wife. Believe it or not, she said, "Every night he takes the gas out of the car tank and measures it." ??

A nose that has a 45 degree angle from the bottom going towards the forehead (Tanya Harding, the one who hit Nancy Kerrigan in the skating championship) may mean the person is immature emotionally.

A nose that turns up only to a 30 degree angle (from the base of the nose going towards the head) reflects someone who loves to be of service to other people. Very nice quality.

A 'roman nose' (90 degree angle from the base) is often a person who likes to $$ bargain and get special deals.

Keep in mind that to read a person correctly, you must evaluate ALL his/her features and not just one.

The key to understanding face reading as a tool for personal growth is to understand who we are at a certain time period - and then change ourselves for the POSITIVE using affirmation, meditation, 12-step work, spiritual communion, professional counseling or medication. Whatever our heart tells us will move us forward into the positve action that will attract to us Divine abundance and financial security for ourselves and our families. We can change our destiny at any time. Face Reading is just one introspective indicator.

(c) Copyright, Barbara Roberts. December 27, 2011. All rights reserved.