Sunday, May 22, 2016

NEW Face Reading Internship!

NEW Internship on Face Reading starting June 1st: For Healers, CEO's, Coaches, and Entrepreneurs. Know at a glance - does your client want a) Direction, b) Emotional Support, c) New Skills. Combining the Myers-Briggs + Facial Features! No one has ever taught this before! Compare YOUR face to your clients and know how to reach him more quickly and have more impact. 2-hour Class on Skype. Let me know if you are interested! Barbara at

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Face Reading Insights

What makes my 30 year study of Face Reading so fascinating is that everything shows in the face - spiritual, emotional, physical. Trauma has various facial areas where it presents - especially the eyes, ear rims, and nose. After looking at 10,000 people the most interesting new insights I have are how-when trauma does NOT show/record in the face for those who have experienced major tragedies. From what they tell me, they either have a deep Inner life (such that they live in the conscious of God, surrender, and forgiveness) OR they've had loving-supportive nurturers who have helped them bridge the trauma-to-recovery gap. And then, the other aspect which plays in to the facial mapping is one's Soul Age...young, mature or Old. (see my new 15 min video on this where I use 20 photo examples...under Barbara Roberts - Face Reading). The face is so complex and can only be justly and adequately understood by someone with depth of wisdom and a heart flowing of compassion. Then, you see the person's struggles, but also their healing and recovery potentials.