NEW copy!...ONLY one sold by AUTHOR - $49 Includes:
*Autographed copy by Barbara
*Sent FED EX delivery (US only orders).
Go to for IPAD/PDF Int'l Orders
*Free $10 Face Chart (with 100+ facial features and their psychological meanings)
*Extra Face Reading short stories
*Discount Coupon for $55/off - for the 1 hour Session - Personal Face Reading with Barbara ($175/hour on her website.) Coupon makes Session: $120/hour
*Some color photos of famous peoples' faces with their facial features explained
(Author does not sell on amazon).
Barbara Roberts - Guest on Hallmark, TYRA, NBC, InSide San Diego + 75 national/local
TV/radio shows. Face Reader - 1 1/2 million views on, 10,000 people/35 years. Honors all ethnic groups.
Go to: - Personal Intuitive Reading with Barbara - Zoom or Skype
Questions? Email: - Phone: 760-479-0008