Sunday, May 27, 2012

He's Age 14 and Finding His Way

        “My 14 year old son, Josh, has not been doing well at all.” Massie’s eyes pleaded, “I don’t know what to do to help him any more. A year ago he used to be a great student, but now, he just stays in his room – refusing to clean up or make his bed. He won’t talk to us about what is happening. His grades are dropping, and he has no friends. It hurts me to see him so miserable.”
She showed me the soccer photo where a handsome, smiling blonde haired teen had just scored a goal. A happier early version.
          I suggested counseling and medical intervention, which she said she they were already doing but with minimal success.
          “Could you read his face and give me any ides as to how to reach him, Barb?” she was desperate.
I held the photo and peered into the clear, blue eyes of a young teen who had a square forehead, tall and wide temples, a wide mouth and big front teeth.
These are all very positive facial features indicating a thinker, a leader and a generous person.
          “Massie, let me make him an audio tape about his life and things he might look forward to in the future. That might help him,” I suggested.
          That night I taped a 15-min session for Josh in language which would be clear to a teen. I went into his inner gifts, how they would manifest in the future, and his areas of personal challenge and how to work with each one so he could emerge successful. I handed the tape to Massie to give to him.
          Three months later in class, she took me aside, “I can’t believe the changes in my son! Whatever you said to him really changed him! Even that night, he came out of his room and had dinner with the family. He’s back doing his homework again. Even though you’ve never met him, Josh said to me:
         ‘Barbara really understands me.’ He said that your tape about his life gave him ‘hope,’    and whenever he feels discouraged, he just listens to your tape again. Thank you!”

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