Wednesday, December 4, 2013

3.FOREHEADS - Face Reading Insights with Barbara Roberts

FOREHEAD SHAPES reveal thinking styles:

Tall, wide forehead = planner, strategist, thinker
Short forehead = intuitive, great physical reflexes, street smart
Round forehead = people person
Square forehead = career oriented, hard worker
And more....
Learn what YOUR forehead says about your thinking style and how you can best relate
to your family, friends and co-workers. Learn how you are so you can be your BEST yet!

Face Reading is an ancient psychological system of understanding a person’s character from his or her facial features. Every feature has corresponding psychological meanings, and your face is a physical-emotional map of who you are and where you are going. Barbara Roberts was a guest on 75 national/local TV/radio shows (TYRA, NBC Nightly News, The Learning Channel, and InSide San Diego). Trained in clinical medical NIH-research (UCSD), Barbara Roberts developed her system of personality patterns by looking at 10,000 people’s faces in private sessions and her 500 classes. Her system is unique in that honors all ethnic groups, ages, and genders.

See: to get her brown book, FACE READING - HOW TO KNOW ANYONE AT A GLANCE now in PDF/IPAD/paperback. And get a FACE READING SESSION (starting at $60/30 min phone call with Barbara.)

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