Thursday, September 6, 2012

True Story - The Future of a President

The day Bill Clinton was sworn in as president I appeared on the Morning News to
analyze his face and predict the tone of his presidency.

“So what kind of president will he be?” the News anchor inquired.

At the time America was looking for a “Kennedy” — a dynamic, charismatic leader.
Popular presidents who had huge, strong jaws (Washington, Kennedy, and FDR)
were politicians known for their far reaching accomplishments. When Greek philosopher
Aristotle hand-selected generals for Alexander the Great, he looked for this
large jaw structure. And Alexander and his generals won dominion over the whole
world. However, with Clinton I knew he was going to have a softer, democratic style
of presidency as his face had a rounded chin area.

Then I noticed the right and left sides of his face. His right side (which reflects his future
work life as a president) was completely different from his left side (which reflects
his personal and spiritual development). His right side was intelligent, articulate, and
confident — so much so that there was even a smirk in the upper lip. The left side,
however, was cold and manipulative. When I pointed this out in the studio, the whole
TV crew gasped.

I predicted, “I believe that at some point during his presidency, Clinton will try to
manipulate the American public. The whole country will turn on him. And he won’t
like it.”

Enter years later Monica Lewinsky.

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